Features of our mirrors

  • Mirror
    Each mirror has a unique look.
  • Palette
    The presence of a wide range of colors.
  • Shine
    Looks great in any design.
  • Furniture
    Mirrors can be inserts in any furniture.
  • Quality
    Image quality remains at the highest level.
Balcony railing

There are times when, for some reason, to fully glaze the balcony, while warming it, there is no way. In this situation, a glass balcony railing fits perfectly. It can be of several types, each of which will completely transform the exterior of the building, if we are talking about a private house and make the process of staying on the balcony spectacular and to some extent exciting. For glass balconies of balconies, the price is not excessively high today, so ordinary wealthy Ukrainians can already afford this pleasure. Consider exactly what they are ...

Glass railing with racks
The balcony railing made of racks, filled with transparent or frosted tempered glass, will allow you to quickly completely transform your balcony or loggia using stylish and durable modern building materials. Racks can be fixed both to the floor on the dowel or anchor, and to the end of the balcony, and sheets of glass of the right size are already attached to them.
Balcony railing
Balcony railing

Glass fencing - at the peak of the exterior fashion. They completely change the appearance of the building, giving it not only sophistication, but also respectability and style. The lightness and airiness inherent in glass structures is a find not only for the limited space of small-sized apartments. Glass looks no less stylish in spacious clubs, restaurants, in office and shopping centers. The possibilities of finishing with glass panels are so wide that with any modern construction, architects do not miss the opportunity to install glass fencing. Both inside and outside - frosted, mirrored or transparent, even or molded, glass is becoming a popular and sought-after finishing material that acts as an invisible protective fence to give the object maximum safety. It is the glass fencing that allows tourists who suffer from a fear of heights to enjoy spectacular views.
Glass fencing - at the peak of the exterior fashion.
Glass fencing - at the peak of the exterior fashion.

We present to your attention the glass terrace fencing. The fencing project has been completed thanks to the efforts of our experienced staff. The design is based on the tire, so this type of fence is correctly called - the fence in the tire. The deadline is two weeks. The design is designed and manufactured by our company. As for the installation, it was also performed by our installers. The project is made of transparent glass, heat-treated, which gave it significant strength.
glass terrace fencing
glass terrace fencing

The advantages of aluminum partition walls in the office
This method of zoning is in great demand due to the large number of positive characteristics:

  • simplicity of assembly and installation;
  • strength and durability;
  • ease;
  • the possibility of heat and sound insulation;
  • high anticorrosive properties;
  • environmental cleanliness and safety of operation;
  • long service life;
  • moisture resistance;
  • low price per m2 of aluminum partitions;
  • aesthetic appeal.
    The advantages of aluminum partition walls
    The advantages of aluminum partition walls 

These properties together make such products an ideal way of zoning the room. Partitions of varying degrees of transparency allow employees to create separate rooms, without violating their personal space and allowing you to limit the total noise. Well-organized zones in the office improve the quality of the work of the whole team - this is a long-noticed fact. The most important tool for achieving a positive result is aluminum partitions, the price and quality of which are optimally combined in the finished product.